For the past year, that has been my Slack status whenever I was experiencing a heavy project day. It served as a reminder for me to acknowledge that the day was much busier than intended, but to embrace the humor of it all (shoutouts to Lizzo and Tiktok for pumping me up). Looking back on things a year later, I had no idea the path my business would be on, let alone if it would be operating at the capacity it currently is. Embracing the unknown, and fully leaning into it was key to the pivot my business needed to thrive.
In March of last year I actually accepted a position with a company as a Senior Designer, with the intention of putting MADEXMISTY on the sideline. I was making many transitions at the same time, moving around, finding a new apartment and business location, managing new collaborations, navigating a divorce, growing and healing through therapy, taking courses for professional certifications, setting boundaries, learning to love myself again, and let alone starting a new job. I took another role as a people manager and began operating my business part-time. I even held the MXM Women's History Month Coffee chat, amidst all the change in my life and my business. I never uploaded that video session because at that time I didn't fell comfortable taking up space. Little did I know I would be pushed into circumstances that would force me to do just that.
In June, I was invited to a zoom meeting with the other managers and directors, at which we were promptly laid off. It was at this pivot I decided to fully lean into MADE X MISTY again. I had to learn to embrace the unknown and uncomfortable, while finding the humor in it all. I also spent time creating new connections and asking for help from other business professionals. If I learned anything from last year it was that security is never a guarantee. That being said, I can always pivot and find new opportunities to thrive, but I will have to lean into the change in order to thrive. You must lean into growth, lean into healing, lean into being uncomfortable, lean into taking up space.
Being present and showing up for my business, even in the times when I felt confused or out of my depths, helped me get to the space that I am in today. Today is recognized as "National Be Heard Day", a day for small businesses to stand up and claim their share of the market. I want to cheer on other women entrepreneurs who are still working to figure it all out, as I am. I hope that this message resonates with other creative professionals as well, who are pivoting life through layoffs and imposter syndrome, as I have also experienced. This past year challenged me mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Through that process of growth and change I was able to claim my stake in choosing the direction I wanted for my business going forward. I encourage you to take the day and plan a path for your goals, take up space, grab a cinnamon roll, and keep it pushing. You can check out last year's Women's History Month Coffee Social linked here, featuring the CFO of Brewington Associates Patrice Brewington. Feel free to join the upcoming coffee chat on March 31st, at 2PM EST | 11 AM PST.